In Chapter one i learned about the basics of java. i learned that when setting a value to a letter you must tell the program what type of value it is. i learned how to fix a program from the "99 Bottles of Beer" activity.
^^^ This is was the code I used to produce the results that are shown to the right. I was given a broken code that i had to fix. I used trial and error after i looked through the code to see what may be causing the error. At first it did not loop around like it should. I changed around the code to make it loop untill it got to the last bottle. The only problem then was the line that said "1 bottles of beer on the wall". To fix that i had to add another if else stament. This made it so that when beernum == 1 it would change the whole line. With that I gad to add to the > in the if statment above the one i made so that they will not both run at the same time.